Letters to the Editor

Jun 17, 2009 at 12:00 am

Try reading the article next time

Re: "Taking a toll" (June 10), turning someone into a Simpsons character doesn't make them evil. Maybe the real story is that trying to do business in Detroit is very difficult, especially with three layers of government bureaucracy to overcome. You blame Mr. Moroun for the loss in business in the gateway area, but are the road construction delays his fault? Yes, he made many political contributions, but last time I checked this was still America and supporting candidates was still legal. He is hardly the only person to do so. You are using innuendo and cartoon drawings to try to paint Matty Moroun as a villian. Sorry, it's not going to work. Try harder next time. —Matt Talbot, Ypsilanti

We lose, they win

The villains have won … the liars and deceivers have won. The DEGC, Mike Ilitch and those others opposed to a viable entertainment venue, which historic Detroit Tiger Stadium could have become, have won.

Tiger Stadium will become but a memory that dims and dies in each of us every year. Detroit is the loser, its taxpayers are the losers, while the liars and deceivers move on.

Those who believed in the potential and worked to save Tiger Stadium will live on with a clear conscience, and the liars and deceivers will look and celebrate another hollow victory in their efforts to move Detroit forward — but, alas, we know what they did. —David L. Malhalab, Detroit

Tiller killer not terrorist

In Mikhaela Reid's stupid strip (The Boiling Point, June 3), she refers to late term abortionist George Tiller as "a compassionate physician who risked his life to help women in need. He was assassinated by an anti-choice terrorist." 

"Compassionate physician" — he was tender as he plunged the fork into the baby's head? Are we to believe money was not the motivation for killing 60,000 kids?

"Risked his life" — is the implication that someone might take offense with his butchering?

"Help women in need" — except in very rare cases, abortion is not based on need. It is more often based on selfish desire, ignorance of the physical and psychological danger to the mother, and ignorance of what exactly is going on.

"Anti-choice"— Not all of us believe killing based on personal desire is a "choice," or at least not one that can be made by anyone with a conscience.

"Terrorist" — The killer's brother said he suffered from mental illness and said, "None of us ever saw Scott as a person capable of or willing to take another person's life." There were no threats, no intimidation techniques. Does Mikhaela even understand what the word "terrorist" means? —Shawn Hockman, Auburn Hills

Smoking ban 'rude'

Re: Jack Lessenberry's editorial "Smoked out" (June 3), my father died of smoking-related emphysema. My friend just died from smoking-related lung cancer. Their contributions to our society were immeasurable. My fear is that by banning smoking where people gather and discuss issues, we are really banning smokers.

I feel that a total smoking ban in every restaurant and public space, which you are demanding, is intolerant and rude. It should be up to the discretion of the business owner and that there are enough nonsmoking establishments to give you a wide selection without coming in contact with us. But that is not enough for you. You have to dictate how everyone should behave — and that is just un-American and unreasonable. Smokers should have a place to congregate, relax and enjoy a night out just like nonsmokers. —Wayne Williams, Rochester Hills

Authoritarian leanings

As a Libertarian, I believe that a "fascist" statewide smoking ban is a clear violation of private property rights. I support the owner's right to decide how they should operate their business. If Jack Lessenberry and his leftist friends believe in a fascist-type country, they should move to North Korea, Iran or Zimbabwe. The only two solutions to a smoke-filled eatery is to open up a nonsmoking bar or restaurant and compete — or leave and never go back to that smoke-filled place. It's a shame and it's sad that "the vast majority … want a smoking ban" — yes, oppression comes from the left and the right side of the political spectrum. —Gregory Creswell, Detroit