Letters to the Editor

Aug 20, 2008 at 12:00 am

Expose pols' hypocrisy

Dear Jack: I am a big advocate of personal privacy. But your assertion that the sex lives of politicians should be "off the table" doesn't hold any water with me. I'll concede a right to privacy for any politician who introduces legislation calling for the repeal of all laws regulating the private sexual behavior of consenting adults. As long as our fearless leaders think our sex lives ought to be the subject of scrutiny by our neighbors then so should theirs. —Nancy O'Brien, Allen Park

We pay their salaries

First off, let me start by saying I enjoy reading Jack Lessenberry's articles, even though our "perfect worlds" are often on opposite sides of the political spectrum. He brings an intelligent, humorous and sarcastic style to his writing, which I like because I think we're long-lost brothers when it comes to that. In the "Sum of our parts" article, you stated your opinion as to why you think certain aspects of political officials lives should be kept locked away in the cupboard. I just wanted to add that I think certain elements of these people's lives should be open to us for a few reasons:

1) These people are paid out of our pockets, so I think we do have that right.

2) Honesty has nothing to do with admitting you had an affair, especially if you've dealt with it under your roof. Therefore, if someone looking to be elected has already dealt with their personal problems, no one can blackmail or extort someone to act in any type of criminal manner because they are being held hostage by their secrets.

I just think that if they are honest enough to fess up to their faults openly, they'll have enough integrity to conduct themselves well in office and will not be subject to being put in any compromising positions. God only knows what people have on the 2008 version of "Hizzonner" Kwame, especially after what's just starting to pop up to the surface. —Jocq Carducci, Warren

Laughing about Reagan

Thank you for informing me of Nancy Reagan's three-month pregnancy at the time of wedding Ronald Wilson Reagan. News to me! Please know that, in 1981, the president had a White House conference on the family. I think it might have been in the Cabinet Room. There, next to him (or one over), was Dr. James Dobson smiling for the camera, who must have at least suspected the story of Patti's conception. —G.M. Ross, Lowell

Big fish, small pond

Jeff Daniels' creative drive is understandable. ("Acting up," July 23). None of us is here forever, and he wants to test himself to the edge of his abilities. I get it.

My longtime problem with Daniels, however, is his conceited assumption that the public should naturally care a fig for the various vanity projects — his (I think) contrived, "Regular Joe" shtick notwithstanding. Trading on a famous name in the backwoods instead of the big city doesn't make him less a phony. It just makes him a big fish in a little pond. —Todd Steven Kindred, Garden City

Erratum: In the article "Body & Soul" (Aug. 18), an error was made in describing Fisher Body's output. The plant made assemblies for the B-25 Mitchell bomber for the U.S. Army Air Corps.

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